Posted April 4, 2013
Biography Timelines are due Tuesday, April 9. Oral reports will begin on Tuesday and will continue through Friday.
Below are two examples of Biography Timelines that followed all of the instructions in the Biography Packet.
Part of the oral report is to tell what kind of Cougar Award your person might receive and why you chose that award. Possible Cougar Awards could be Caring, Respectful, Empathy, Responsible, Positive Attitude, Friendly, Helpful, Determined, Creative, Positive, Unique, Confident, Reliable, Integrity, Fitness, Accountable, Upstander, Thoughtful, Tolerant, Nice, Patient, Listener, Kind, Leader--or you could make up your own Cougar Award naming your character's most POSITIVE trait.
We are looking forward to learning about the contributions of YOUR famous person!!!